Monday, May 30, 2011


I finally, but unknownly got back the blogspot blogs back that I was missing. I have no clue how this happen, I clicked a few things with my own blogspot part of blogging and wallah, the other blogspot blogs have returned to me. Now to only remember what I did to get them all back!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

Oh to be in the midst of my friends as we worship the Lord Almighty, today. This marks the week of Easter, next Sunday is Easter. Good Friday is two days before Easter. Christ bore our sins on the cross to save us from all unrighteousness, and on Easter day back almost 2000 years ago, Christ rose out of the grave, alive and never to die again. And he at the right hand of God. He is God!

Last night I mistakenly bought a caffeinated Pepsi, it was a diet Pepsi though. So as I was trying to sleep all night, and I never got to sleep, I am still up, I realized as I was laying in bed that I had drank the wrong Pepsi. Some people can sleep on caffeine, I am not one of them. Though when I was very young and so very active, I suppose had I had some caffeinated Pepsi that I had gone to sleep. But when you get older caffeine will keep you awake, well it does that to me.

So as you can see, I wouldn't be in any shape or form to sit in a congregation this morning because I would fall to sleep. I soon have to go and make my morning coffee. That will give me some second wind, so it is said. I'll probably take a early afternoon nap, I might need it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Christmas Time Cross Stitch Pattern***L@@K***

Christmas Time Cross Stitch Pattern***L@@K***
I love cross-stitching, and would love to sell what I make. I have found this site, the Yard Seller, and there is many cross-stitch patterns/pictures on this site.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Such days as these

I can't always find things to talk about on these blogs, which is suppose to be like a diary of sorts. If it were like a diary of sorts, then why would we allow people to want to read these blogs. It is however good to get things off our chest, out of our minds and on paper, though in this form it is done not on paper but electronically.

These are one of these days I can't think of what to right, but then again I must be thinking of what to write if I am writing all of this down. Hmmmm, gives one to wonder, huh/eh? Makes one to chuckle over what I am just writing at the moment.

However I do have to say I have some things I want to write down that is upsetting me and bothering me, but I must put it all behind me right now and hope what is upsetting me will tranquilizes itself for the time being. Don't worry, not with medication, just with peace of mind that only God is able to do.

I am not good at writing really. I do well at writing letters, emails or notes to people, except I wouldn't be that great that writing a book. My memory of events isn't the best, but I do recall things, events in my life time, just not everything in exact formality. Also I am not the best at the grammer part of writing a story, or where the (,) and the (?) and the (:) and the (;) and the extras are suppose to go, and somethings not knowing where to stop the sentence or to stop the paragraphs and where to start the new one. It seems I do well, at least I think I do well with how I do write a letter or a email to people. I suppose if I took a course, not that I would remember every detail of how to continue to start a book, I am sure I would learn somethings that might stick to my memory to even start writing.

There is a lot of things in my life time, that not just happened to me, but happened to friends and family that I could create a book, except I need every detail and I wouldn't be able to get all the details. Some friends and a number of relatives, and my parents are no longer with us for me to get each detail noted down for me to begin. I just do however recall things.
Maybe one day I might start a book, we'll see.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

:Lindsey and Emily

Well this is Thursday, Emily is still in the hospital. Today was a better day, but they are not out of the woods. Emily still might have to have surgery. Emily gets very excited when she see people she knows, and young gorgous doctors.
Yesterday, maybe even the day before, Emily was heavily sedated,she was awake today. If I am not wrong, she woke up crying. Lindsey has been with Emily ever since they arrived at the hospital but she can only rest in the chair near Emily's bed. Lindsay has been almost sleep deprived. I am praying for God to give her and everything one the strength to carry on, and the knowledge and wisdom to deal with the conditions,& what to do as well as peace and comfort when the moments are havoc and weary, and sad.
God Bless you my friends Lindsey and Emily.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Waiting to Hear

I am hoping to hear sometime later this afternoon, or possibly this evening from my friend Lindsey Yeskoo, either on Facebook or on Caring Bridge how her eldest daughter Emily is doing. Lindsey, and possibly the home-care nurses had to phone 911. Something is up, so we are waiting to hear what it is.

Emily Yeskoo, Lindsey's daughter has been ill for a very long time now. She has a form of MLD, I have to look that up again what it actually is. But it is in the family of what Hunter Kelly, former football quarter-back player of the Buffalo Bills son had. Emily's and Hunter's condition aren't the same, but it is in the family of the MLD. Hunter passed away in 2005, if I am not mistakened. Emily has outlived most patients with this terminally ill desires.

Emily has often been an upbeat child to Lindsey and the rest of the family and relatives and friends who drop by for a visit. Somedays are harder then others with pain in many area's of her body. She no longer is able to speak or move, which I am postive has to be very hard on Emily. The family has learned to somehow communicate with her. Lindsey is able to clue into what Emily maybe thinking and what she needs, Lindsey is the main caregiver, while the rest of the family go about their day at work, and school, and life. I guess it is a mother's inturition to know what her child needs. I hope I spelt inturition correctly.
I will be praying often today and waiting to hear what the outcome is going to be, and hoping it will be good news for the Yeskoo family.

Install or uninstall - Get started with Google Toolbar

Install or uninstall - Get started with Google Toolbar

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Prayer

I feel comforted to know that God loves me. And I am sure he hears my cries.
Though why do things have to feel so hard a lot of  the time. Not sure of the future, and wishing things would get better. Wanting for the house to sell, and to have my drivers license renewed, and to be able to find a very inexpensive  vehicle up north for me to get around. It feels like I  have lost a lot of the freedom that I would like bacl, I would like my independency back. To be able to get places, to and fro when we get back north. But without my own wheels, and without a drivers license, I just feel doomed.

At times I feel things are so unfair, like I did things to upset the apple cart that got me to this point. I feel like a prisoner, not all the time, but there are the times that I do. And I feel it will be like that when we get back  north. Not be able to go places alone. Am I going to be stuck in the town of Alden New York and no friends coming by, or me getting out to go and see them? I need to get myself to The Chapel at Crosspoint, and without transportation, I will have no way to get there, to get around anywhere, without having to depend on someone else. I don't want to have to depend on someone getting me places. I want my independence.

By not getting out to the Chapel at Crosspoint, I will still be watching the services on the Internet.
God, please do a miracle in my life, do a miracle in the life of my brother? Do not let us live in deep provety as we have been. Allow things to get better for us God and for us to have prosperity.

God, don't let the economy get any worse, this ecomony has made more poor people in this country then it should have. The economy ought to have gotten better awhile back, but it is dragging it's feet to raise it's ugly head about the water. And now I hear there might be a worse Stock Market Crash then this country has seen. Please do not let another Market Crash happen, it will surely disable this country and we'll find it even harder to pull up our boot strings. We all want to live better lives God, so able us to live better, with enough money to get the drivers licenses, to get a very inexpensive vehicle, and an affordable place to leave. Supply us money to get food and cloths and money enough to live well, and not be digging for the money someplace.
Send us your power so we can get through this, and God please don't dely? You do things in your own time, I just wish it wasn't such a long time stretch for myself, my brother and many others who seem to be in the same shoes. We depend on you to prosper God.

God, Please Bless Japan. They currently are in worse condition then some of us over in North America.
I pray for peace on each of us in this world, and comfort.

The Crabb Family - Friend of God

Monday, March 14, 2011


Only God sees what lays ahead. Though people can sometimes have the strongest feelings themselves what is going to happen. The people of Japan felt that they would see what they called the big one, a real big earthquake 8.9 on the rector scale and there was not much they could do. It hit about 3 days ago, but we can't say without warning, because a lot just believed it would happen. And along with the earthquake, a Tsunami, tidal wave took up so much from the earth itself. Homes and cars and other stuctures, and human people, just washed away. Too much to crasp, too much to want to think about.

Many have escaped this tragedy of the earthquake,  so many haven't and so many didn't. Thousands have died, many are homeless. There is still aftershocks.Many around the world know of people living in Japan, and have been relived to find out that who they know are okay.

So far there have been actually 3 days that have made a time in history. September 11, 2001, January 11, 2010, now March 11, 2011. Coincidence or not, many say not. All I know is that God knows all things, but he didn't orchestrate these things, he just allowed these to happen.

We can get mad and ask why we are seeing such catastrophes, but the answers is in God.  Even though the Scientists come up with conclusion, they don't know everything, it isn't up to them to know everything. That is all in the hands of God, the maker and ruler and Lord of Heaven and Earth, Lord of all.

Friday, February 18, 2011


I haven't spoken to one of my friends for several years, and I want to phone that friend but I am losing my nerve. It isn't a good thing to lose your nerve about phone, but I am one who is capable of that. Call me a scardy cat, just not to my face ☺, lol, sure wish it wouldn't happen though. Friends should always stay in touch, even if one doesn't phone then at least the other could do it, and surprise the one on the other end of the line.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Very Interesting

Wow, can't believe it, I might end up one person away for a well known celebrity, I would rather not say who it is. But maybe any if you have met me via chat on some sites, yes it could be who it is that maybe I may be one person. It is a through a certain person I know a little bit, but won't let on the person's name, don't think he would appreciate it.
Like the Kevin Bacon game, but in the Kevin Bacon game that is a few people away from anyone.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

thought provoking

"Whenever you find tears
in your eyes,
especially unexpected tears,
it is well to pay the closest attention."

~ Frederick Buechner

Wonderfully put!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Movies and Cancer

I just found this out while looking up Dick Powell in Wikipedia, and was surprised to read about this cancer the cast and crew had because of the filming.
This might explain some of the early years of film, maybe it was the radiation that caused cancer in these people, then it could have also been that they were also smokers:---
Actor David Powell directed The Conqueror (1956) starring John Wayne as Genghis Khan.---The exterior scenes were filmed in St. George, Utah, downwind of US above-ground atomic tests. The cast and crew totaled 220 and of that number: 91 had developed some form of cancer by 1981and46 had died of cancer by then, including Wayne. This cancer rate is about three times higher than one would expect in a group of this size and many have argued that radioactive fallout was the cause.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Why do now a days actors, men and woman, like to party to harty, it isn't worth getting soaked up in the things they do. The kind of life a selfish life, getting drunk and hanging out with the wrong crowd, escort ladies/ect....They fill themself up with drugs that wreck their minds and their lives, and they probably even those in friendships as well, and the alcohal that destroys the mind. I am not saying a couple of glasses of wine, or a nice drink will hurt you. But they really must learn the limits, but a lot of these people don't learn, they go to rehabs but it doesn't seem to sink into their minds the consequence that they find themself in over and over again.
It boggles my mind each and every time I hear such stupidity that these folks keep doing.
Where are the days of the actors and actress of the early years of the movies and even up into the 70s and 80s and the t.v. shows of the 50s through to the 80s I have seen good programs for the 80s to now, but now there isn't much to really enjoy these days, those people were better then the young ones that are out there today.
I am not saying the ones from the past didn't have their problems, but most of them never found their problems in the news with their situations, at least not very much, not like it is now a days with the camera chasing photographers scouping for news/gossip for their entertainment news.
How sad how this society in the entertaiment field has gone from bad to worse.
To tell you the truth all of these news really is so unimpressive.
The whole thing is so sad.
I miss the old days of where anyone hardly heard of all this mess.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Murdoch Mysteries - Let Us Ask the Maiden (part 1/5)

Cousins humors

My cousin Eddie's daughter Christie wrote this on her Facebook status today, and it is so hystecrically funny, it made my morning. Whitney is her young daughter.
I think it might be time to quit listening to country music in the car after hearing Whitney singing, "Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, whiskey makes my baby feel a little frisky..."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Second week of January

I am so late this year, getting all the Christmas decorations down and put away, still have some to put away yet. I still have to get down the tree down (thank goodness it isn't real, because everything probably would have fallen off the branches by now), though the decorations on the tree has to be taken off.

Who knows what December 2011 is going to be like. Maybe a spacious place to live and maybe a real Christmas tree, and maybe a nice labrador retriever. I guess we will see what happens. That is in God's doing, not mine.

It is staying much lighter outside. I like it when the sun sets early, but not everyone. Though in the summer time, it is nice that the sun stays out a little longer.