Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Prayer

I feel comforted to know that God loves me. And I am sure he hears my cries.
Though why do things have to feel so hard a lot of  the time. Not sure of the future, and wishing things would get better. Wanting for the house to sell, and to have my drivers license renewed, and to be able to find a very inexpensive  vehicle up north for me to get around. It feels like I  have lost a lot of the freedom that I would like bacl, I would like my independency back. To be able to get places, to and fro when we get back north. But without my own wheels, and without a drivers license, I just feel doomed.

At times I feel things are so unfair, like I did things to upset the apple cart that got me to this point. I feel like a prisoner, not all the time, but there are the times that I do. And I feel it will be like that when we get back  north. Not be able to go places alone. Am I going to be stuck in the town of Alden New York and no friends coming by, or me getting out to go and see them? I need to get myself to The Chapel at Crosspoint, and without transportation, I will have no way to get there, to get around anywhere, without having to depend on someone else. I don't want to have to depend on someone getting me places. I want my independence.

By not getting out to the Chapel at Crosspoint, I will still be watching the services on the Internet.
God, please do a miracle in my life, do a miracle in the life of my brother? Do not let us live in deep provety as we have been. Allow things to get better for us God and for us to have prosperity.

God, don't let the economy get any worse, this ecomony has made more poor people in this country then it should have. The economy ought to have gotten better awhile back, but it is dragging it's feet to raise it's ugly head about the water. And now I hear there might be a worse Stock Market Crash then this country has seen. Please do not let another Market Crash happen, it will surely disable this country and we'll find it even harder to pull up our boot strings. We all want to live better lives God, so able us to live better, with enough money to get the drivers licenses, to get a very inexpensive vehicle, and an affordable place to leave. Supply us money to get food and cloths and money enough to live well, and not be digging for the money someplace.
Send us your power so we can get through this, and God please don't dely? You do things in your own time, I just wish it wasn't such a long time stretch for myself, my brother and many others who seem to be in the same shoes. We depend on you to prosper God.

God, Please Bless Japan. They currently are in worse condition then some of us over in North America.
I pray for peace on each of us in this world, and comfort.

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