Saturday, January 29, 2011


Why do now a days actors, men and woman, like to party to harty, it isn't worth getting soaked up in the things they do. The kind of life a selfish life, getting drunk and hanging out with the wrong crowd, escort ladies/ect....They fill themself up with drugs that wreck their minds and their lives, and they probably even those in friendships as well, and the alcohal that destroys the mind. I am not saying a couple of glasses of wine, or a nice drink will hurt you. But they really must learn the limits, but a lot of these people don't learn, they go to rehabs but it doesn't seem to sink into their minds the consequence that they find themself in over and over again.
It boggles my mind each and every time I hear such stupidity that these folks keep doing.
Where are the days of the actors and actress of the early years of the movies and even up into the 70s and 80s and the t.v. shows of the 50s through to the 80s I have seen good programs for the 80s to now, but now there isn't much to really enjoy these days, those people were better then the young ones that are out there today.
I am not saying the ones from the past didn't have their problems, but most of them never found their problems in the news with their situations, at least not very much, not like it is now a days with the camera chasing photographers scouping for news/gossip for their entertainment news.
How sad how this society in the entertaiment field has gone from bad to worse.
To tell you the truth all of these news really is so unimpressive.
The whole thing is so sad.
I miss the old days of where anyone hardly heard of all this mess.

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